RD Microelectronics

 Launch analysis system


Launch analysis system LAS_1 is a prototype developed to catch images of an object moving at a velocity up to 1000 kM/h. At that extreme speed, any existing high-speed photo camera and video camera are not capable to catch sharp images because of the speed effect on the image.

Our prototype answers to the demand and resolves the speed effect on the image, because it is developed based on science physics and not camera principle.
LAS_1 (not yet packaged) contains a microphone, ultrasonic sensor, micro-controller, display, camera, keyboard, and other components.


The prototype is successfully tested against hundreds of photos taken with no single problem. The used test setup is a golf and a golf-ball. When the golf kicks the ball and just at the moment of the impact, the system is automatically activated and takes a photo of the flying ball. A typical speed of 250 to 350 kM/h is observed.


3D simulator software is under development to accompany the prototype. This software will predict the rest of the event. If the object is a golf ball, its weight is known, then the information the software deducts from the photos is the speed, the spin, direction and angels. The software will then calculate the trajectory and predict the point the ball will fall in.

LAS_1 can be extended to other applications, such as an auto crash system, a military recognize system against missiles, a satellite surveillance system to prevent steroid hits. 

Golf Achiever and AccSport Inc are two competitors involved in developing equivalent product. We have analyzed the Vector of AccSport Inc, and we see that our prototype works better since we can easily increase the number of ball photos and we have done that. This is because the technology and the function principal of our prototype are different to those of Vector, and our results of the taken photos are convincing.
When the prototype is well designed, its components and its development cost are optimized. The price of our prototype is therefore below 50% the price of the competitors.

The worldwide Golf market is estimated to be about 20 Billion Dollars, one must take this business seriously and we are taking it very seriously.

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Tel: +49-89-66651887



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