RD Microelectronics

Kamel Ayadi

Kamel Ayadi


Phone: ++49-89-66651887

Email: kamel.ayadi@web.de


Kamel Ayadi is the CEO of RD Microelectronics. He has the idea to found the company since 2003, and the startup officially was in November 2006.

Ayadi was promoted Doctor Applied Physics with distinction in November 1998 in the fields of micro-electronics and opto-electronics from the applied sciences faculty of VUB university of Brussels, Belgium, in parallel with the microelectronics center IMEC. Two of the jury members of his Ph.D. come from private companies, Philips and Alcatel, and two others from the IEEE Solid State Circuits Society board. At IMEC, he has done pioneering work for his doctorate on photonics receivers which can be done in a fully standard CMOS technology without any further process step. He established a photonic setup to test the first high-speed CMOS photoreceivers for low cost access network and short-wavelength fiber-optic communication.

His Ph.D. dissertation is titled "High-Speed CMOS Photoreceivers and technology for Optoelectronic ICs and Data Communications"; the entire material was published in IEEE Journals. His Master Electrical Engineering was in 1994 at the applied sciences faculty of UCL university of Louvain La Neuve, Belgium, and titled "design, layout, and simulation of the data-path of Z-80 processor in CMOS SOI technology"; 16 bit address and 8 bit data bus Micro-processor.  PhD (1.7 MB)     Master (6.2 MB) 

He is then gone to the cold and darkness, to Copenhagen, Denmark as an associate research professor at COM center, DTU University.  There he published 4 IEEE articles. In 1999 he started his carrier in private companies in Germany, starting at Siemens, Semiconductor branch, in Munich as an Integrated circuits (IC) design and development engineer. Then he served in different companies at different positions from developer, to project manager, and since 2005 at grad of Principal Opto-electronics Engineer.
He has been working for
Max Planck Institut für Physik on the ATLAS project of CERN, developing analog ICs called MDT-ASD for the detector module of Atlas.
This module is for detecting muon radiations due to proton collusions in the particle accelerator 100 m under the ground (Large Hadron Collider), Nuclear.

He is IEEE & LEOS member under number: 40214376 since 1998, student member since 1996. In 1999, he was selected as reviewer at IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, UK. In the same year he was also selected as reviewer at SPIE Optoelectronics, USA. In 2000 he was nominated for 2 years for the board of IEEE Solid State Circuits Society German Chapter. Photo of the board members is available in SSC Society Newsletter, vol.6, no.3, p.11, July 2001.  His biography is published in the book: Who's Who in the Word, since 2002.
He is the author of many Scientific articles in IEEE: Solid-State Circuits, Photonics Technology letters, Circuits & Devices magazine,… and participated in conferences: SPIE, IEDM,... He is pending 8 International patents in these areas: design of high-speed CMOS circuits, technology of e-fuses, Electric stress reliability of the DRAM logic, software graphical controller for automatic wafer measurement, and Optoelectronic module with optic access. He is the unique inventor in 4 of them.

You can access to the patents from the USA Patent and Trademark Office.  Read "help" of there to load the entire patents. (1)
You need to be member of
IEEE societies to access the IEEE articles, you could also send me an e-mail. (1)

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RD Microelectronics Postfach 1915
D-82103 Germering
Tel: +49-89-66651887



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